My deepest condolences to the families and friends of those who died.
Thursday, December 09, 2004
Sunday, November 21, 2004
Hoist That Rag.
Right now, I am putting off writing one thousand words about the duties of Greek fathers. In fact, I've been doing a good job of this all day. Not to slight Plato, but i think if i reread Crito one more time, i'm going to lose it, and start flinging poop at the tennis fanatics playing outside my window.
In other news, I was introduced to the miracle of DC++ last week, and my hard drive is now struggling to deal with fifteen gigs of new music. I can't stop. I think I have a problem. It's easy...and there are so many....songs...It's actually somewhat obscene. forty-five hundred songs is too many. I think my computer music actually now dwarfs my cd music. this is ridiculous. The full beard is gone. Apparently, the hair on my cheeks and upper lip has yet to develop past the "slightly-fuzzy-blond" stage, except for two distinct patches right in the middle of each of my cheeks. It looked a little like someone had tried to air-drop fertilizer on a giant lawn, but accidentally blown their whole load in two places. So I shaved it. The goatee is going to grow to compensate though.
Think Steve Von Till.
But, I have procrastinated long enough. Those damn Greeks keep beckoning, and I must heed their call.
Thursday, November 11, 2004
Levanta mano, então.
Maybe it has something to do with being deliriously tired, but, regardless.
Winter break looms. I'm trying not to think about it, but it's too pervasive. The idea that, someday, there might be a time when i don't have any work to do is too beautiful not to contemplate.
I'm to get my mind off the future, but not doing so well. I suppose registration next week isn't helping that much. I'm thinking intro to biological anthropology, but beyond that i'm not sure.
I think i'm wading through a foggy pocket of uncertainty right now. All of a sudden i'm not sure what i want to do, or why i'm doing what i'm doing, and who for, and the meaning of everything seems somewhere just out of reach. Maybe i should take some philosophy next quarter. Actually, i doubt that would help.
I think i need to do something paradigm-destroying and completely self-motivated. Before that though, i should really go finish the Aeneid.
Wednesday, November 03, 2004
"Insanity in the individual is something rare - but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule."
Fucking Christ.
Actually, fucking Christians.
Conservative evangelicals, i suppose, to be specific.
I can't believe that the remainder of the most formative years of my life are going to be spent under this asshole.
I have a plan though. It consists of two steps. They are as follows:
1. Get drunk.
2. Kill everyone.
However, until such time as i enact this plan, I will be on my bed, curled into the fetal position, listening to Slayer.
Thursday, October 28, 2004
Ze do Caixao, Zumbi, Lampiao.
Specifically, Ratamahatta.
Or at least i've been listening to it a lot.
My desire to be in a band is heated red-hot right now. Something about it seems incredibly appealing. I'm not sure what it is specifically, maybe the cameraderie, or my romanticized notion of everything that it entails, or maybe i just want an excuse to jump around like a maniac and thrash the fuck out of everything in my path. Whatever it is, It's overwhelming right now. Maybe i should put up some flyers:
Tuesday, October 26, 2004
Don't crawl, seek his bird of war. When the fallout comes, he is fire.
gaaahhh i can't take it.
protracted whine:
" "
" "
" "
" "
" "
" "
i need to go do something worthwhile.
Monday, October 25, 2004
Gather round children, it's time you learned about cultural relativism.
Yesterday, that person was me.
It was worth it to have clothes again though. Even if it did cost $3.75.
College is a giant money sponge.