Thursday, January 27, 2005

Saturday, January 22, 2005


Selected Tiger Mountain pictures:

Sunday, January 09, 2005

I think that, the fundamental aspect of life, is that everything is completely absurd.
Taking that into account, I will now go to sleep.

Friday, January 07, 2005


Been a while.

No internet at home, for some reason that I never got around to fixing. Also a computer hemorrhage, the result of which is that now i have two permutations of XP pro installed on top of one another, which, though it has yet to cause any major problems, is a little bizarre.

Snow today, and no school. I took a walk in the arboretum finally, even though it was closed (due to snow, I can only assume). It was an exciting hour and a half, mostly because the arboretum is on a big hill (hence the moniker "Sehome Hill Aboretum") and so I fell down a lot. Having just returned, I'm now making some instant miso soup, which although not hot chocolate, I think is a decent substitute.

Now it is time for some Aqua Teen Hunger Force. And miso.

Also, coming soon: Tiger Mountain pictures.