Thursday, October 28, 2004

Ze do Caixao, Zumbi, Lampiao.

I think, really, it's all about Sepultura.

Specifically, Ratamahatta.

Or at least i've been listening to it a lot.

My desire to be in a band is heated red-hot right now. Something about it seems incredibly appealing. I'm not sure what it is specifically, maybe the cameraderie, or my romanticized notion of everything that it entails, or maybe i just want an excuse to jump around like a maniac and thrash the fuck out of everything in my path. Whatever it is, It's overwhelming right now. Maybe i should put up some flyers:
Guitarist seeking metal band.
Infl. include: At The Gates,
Sepultura, Slayer, Emperor,
In Flames, etc.
No fucking Nazis need apply.
call Alex at (206) 778-0777
p.s. I'm a Freshman. But i don't suck. Really.
Please call me. I'm desperate.
Or maybe not, i dunno.
I think maybe i'm just getting a little burnt out. Possibly by the THREE ESSAYS I WROTE THIS WEEK WHILE TRYING TO STUDY FOR MY HISTORY MIDTERM TOMORROW.
But you know what, i'm lucky to be here, so i'm going to quit my whining, and get to work.
fucking essays.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Don't crawl, seek his bird of war. When the fallout comes, he is fire.

I used to wonder how people in college had the time to get all of their work done and still have a social life. Now I know: no one fucking sleeps.

gaaahhh i can't take it.

protracted whine:
" "
" "
" "
" "
" "
" "

i need to go do something worthwhile.

Monday, October 25, 2004

Gather round children, it's time you learned about cultural relativism.

You know that person who you fucking hate in the laundry room? Who uses up three washers and doesn't even fucking stick around to pull all their shit out of them when they finally fucking finish washing? You know that fucking person?

Yesterday, that person was me.


It was worth it to have clothes again though. Even if it did cost $3.75.

College is a giant money sponge.

Saturday, October 23, 2004