Thursday, October 28, 2004

Ze do Caixao, Zumbi, Lampiao.

I think, really, it's all about Sepultura.

Specifically, Ratamahatta.

Or at least i've been listening to it a lot.

My desire to be in a band is heated red-hot right now. Something about it seems incredibly appealing. I'm not sure what it is specifically, maybe the cameraderie, or my romanticized notion of everything that it entails, or maybe i just want an excuse to jump around like a maniac and thrash the fuck out of everything in my path. Whatever it is, It's overwhelming right now. Maybe i should put up some flyers:
Guitarist seeking metal band.
Infl. include: At The Gates,
Sepultura, Slayer, Emperor,
In Flames, etc.
No fucking Nazis need apply.
call Alex at (206) 778-0777
p.s. I'm a Freshman. But i don't suck. Really.
Please call me. I'm desperate.
Or maybe not, i dunno.
I think maybe i'm just getting a little burnt out. Possibly by the THREE ESSAYS I WROTE THIS WEEK WHILE TRYING TO STUDY FOR MY HISTORY MIDTERM TOMORROW.
But you know what, i'm lucky to be here, so i'm going to quit my whining, and get to work.
fucking essays.

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