Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Back in the Room.

Back again. Breaks are always at least a week too short. I think it's some kind of immutable law of the universe; that any amount of free time over a week is never appreciated until about two days before it ends.

My books are bought, surprisingly smaller in number, and cheaper than I was expecting. But still outrageously expensive by any other standards. I also had to hunt for replacement mechanical pencil erasers, but not the normal kind, the twist kind, which apparently are extremely difficult to obtain, because the bookstore went to great lengths to hide them as cunningly as possible. I finally found three of them in a little drawer built into one of the shelves.

The dogwood tree outside my window is beginning to bloom; a tiny flower framed by several brace of leaves on the tip of every branch offshoot. I wish I could post a picture, but I don't have any sort of camera. I should do something about that, one of these days.

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