Saturday, April 28, 2007

LISTENING TO: 明星-神様の舌打ち。

It's hot outside. I need to mow the lawn. I've mowed it twice already with the push-mower that I borrowed from our nextdoor neighbor (a nice, aging hippie named flip, whose lawn is pristinely manicured), but it hasn't really been able to penetrate the seven inch grass shield that formed during our (my) inattention to the lawn during fall and winter. The backyard isn't so bad, but I'm actually worried about cutting away the front lawn and finding the remnants of a tiny insect civilization. Bodies, rent in half by the rusty, unflinching blades. Weeping beetle children. A partially demolished 1/200 scale high-rise.

I haven't taken any good pictures in a while. There are a couple of places in Bellingham that I think would be pretty cool, but I hesitate to go tromping around the semi-industrial neighborhood in the middle of the night with a camera and a five foot tripod. Bellingham seems like somewhere where people would call the police if they saw that. Or I'll just get mugged. I dunno. I need a burly(er) friend to go take pictures with.

NOW LISTENING TO: Naglfar - Into the Cold Voids of Eternity.

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