Sunday, February 17, 2008

A Storm of Light, Converge, & Neurosis concert reflections, vol. 1

A few things:
1. Fuck, i hate hardcore kids.
2. The lead singer of Converge had his balls directly in my face about five times.
3. Neurosis fucking crushes everything.
4. A Storm of Light was also badass.
5. Steve Von Till is my guru.
6. Apparently the thing to do if you're a hardcore kid at a show is to throw both your arms up and alternate between clenching your fists and semi-hugging the person in front of you, while violently thrusting your pelvis in sync with the music.
7. I'm not joking, this happened to me all goddamn night.
8. I hate being covered in sweat when very little of it is actually my own
9. The fact that you're wearing a polo shirt and tight pants and have tattoo sleeves and a pseudo-mullet does not mean that you are cool. It means that you look like a retard.
10. Fuck, i hate hardcore kids.

More on this subject later.

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