Wednesday, November 03, 2004

"Insanity in the individual is something rare - but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule."

I can't believe I have to deal with four more years of this bullshit.

Fucking Christ.

Actually, fucking Christians.
Conservative evangelicals, i suppose, to be specific.

I can't believe that the remainder of the most formative years of my life are going to be spent under this asshole.

I have a plan though. It consists of two steps. They are as follows:

1. Get drunk.

2. Kill everyone.

However, until such time as i enact this plan, I will be on my bed, curled into the fetal position, listening to Slayer.


Anonymous said...

one would think he might have the decency to NOT win the election... and then steal it, just so we could feel a little more righteous.


Anonymous said...

you would think he'd at least have to decency to NOT win the election, and then steal it. just so we could feel less defeated, and more cheated. that's more empowering.



Anonymous said...

either someone wrote almost the exact same thing I did or I accidentally posted twice...


Anonymous said...

I'm really curious... there's this poster at the center school with you on it, I think. Is it you? it must be... it looks like you taking guitar lessons at EMP or something. ??? Could it be you?


Alex said...

actually, that could be me. i'm not sure though, i'll have to see the poster.

Anonymous said...

hey man
we're going to fight the evil.
it's not a good way to go, but at least you know when there's a fascist in power there's more likely to be a revolution.